What is Message Crawler
Message Crawler is a conversion tool that allows you to import data from multiple sources, preview data in grid view, preform data manipulation and export data out in new format. This tool specifically designed to create RSMF files for Relativity however it can be used for working with DAT files, directory lists and cloud services for document translation and image identification. Many tools provided can be combined and used in creative ways to solve multiple problems encountered during document discovery.
Message Crawler does not collect data from mobile devices but loads files generated by various forensic software or files directly download from social media websites (generally xml or json)
Notes about Conversion
Process of document conversion takes data from one data sources and puts it into another format as required. Most data sources that are used for loading to Message Crawler contain vast amounts of metadata and can have deep and complex structures. RSFM file format on the other hand has simple structure with limited number of fields. During process of conversion, most relevant metadata fields are extracted and brought into RSMF. Considering how much metadata various platforms generate along with constant change of these platforms, conversion may not include 100% of data stored in various xml/json files.
Message Crawler is not meant be a one click conversion tool. It is a tool for analyzing and understand your data and making decision as to what data to take for conversion. It is important for user performing conversion to understand what metadata to include or exclude during conversion.